Thanks to Gabrielle Giguère for the ink work on the logo.
Thanks to Babe with a brain for the design work and her patience.
Website content
Thanks to William Lamoureux, Colin McFarland and David Thies-Thompson for taking the time to write me a testimonial.
Thanks to the proofreaders for their opinions and corrections
Merci à tous les relecteurs pour leurs opinions et corrections
Angela, Ann, Anne, Célinie, Christine, Elsa, Guy, Gwen, Hayley, Héloïse, Jelena, Manon, Patricia, Sarah, Maïlys, Stuart.
Thanks to Guy Harrison for letting me use his studio and photograph my instrument for the “instruments” page.
Thanks to Jake Russell-Mercier for giving the authorization to use his photography of Colin performing with Sea change.
Thanks to Brendan Mariani for giving the authorization to use his photography of William Lamoureux.
All pictures (unless indicated differently) are copyrighted © by Charline Dequincey 2014-2021. All rights reserved.